Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Visual Diagram Research & Sketchbook work

Following my essay, I attempted to expand my ideas using the map of understanding. I think this just confused me more because I really struggled with this task. When asking Matt for advice, he agreed that it was a challenge and suggested that I move away from breaking down the elements of satire and looking at satirist, to picking a topic to satirise.

I considered sticking with the topic of consumerism and advertising like in the pieces I analysed in my essay, but ended up realising that I couldn't avoid the topic of politics. I was hoping to, because I don't feel like I know anything about it and it often makes me feel stupid. But I realised that this point exactly could be the basis for my work and my research. 
I started to question the topic of young people's lack of interest in politics, and as a result came to the subject of voter apathy. 
Why don't young people vote?

Using my sketchbook, I began to research, experiment and explore, mainly beginning with stupid caricatures. I read articles about voter apathy that discussed potential contributing factors and drew around these points. 

The internet as a distraction:

I listed quotes and watched videos, but due to the whole nature of the topic, often found myself struggling to stay interested. 
However I came up with these sketches following my research, which display a mixture of playful drawings, my own opinions, initial concepts and slightly more developed ideas.

I think I'm doing quite well in illustrating concepts and intend on refining some of these ideas further. These drawings will help me to illustrate my points that I will be making in my Pecha Kucha.

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