I've neglected CoP for a while because I've been rubbish at splitting up my time. I keep getting carried away with 504.. I need to start thinking seriously about my essay because I desperately do not want it to all be totally last minute.
We had a session discussing how to structure the essay.
We need to be able to demonstrate that we can read, summarise and analyse academic texts
Discuss the topic or theme of my choosing
Look for ways to explore the question
Research question
How is the family unit represented in fast food advertising today?
Academic Sources
I've found on loads of occasions that I've found academic sources but have to register with a site or pay to see them which is really annoying. Also I need to reactivate my OpenAthens account somehow to access some of them. I'll update this section:
Livingstone, S (2005) Assessing the Research Base for the Policy Debate Over the Effects of Food Advertising to Children [Online]. London: LSE Research Online. Available from: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/1012/1/FOODADVERT.pdf [Accessed: 28 October 2015]
Jenkin, G et al. (2008) Identifying 'unhealthy' food advertising on television: a case study applying the UK Nutrient Profile model [Online] Cambridge: Cambridge Journals Online. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1368980008003029 [Accessed: 29 November 2015]
Not academic, but will look at 'Fast Food Nation: What the All-American Meal is doing to the World' by Eric Schlosser
Illustration (No more than 3)
Map of structure (4 main arguments)
- The nuclear family vs adverts that try to focus in on current social issues, relationships etc. How advertising aims to manipulate our emotions / get an emotional response.
- Conflicting messages about healthiness and happiness. Showing a happy, fit looking family eating the kind of food that we all know is proven to be unhealthy?
- Do we buy it? Does this kind of advertising work? Do people relate to this? Are these brands supporting the family ethos or is just an attempt to create the illusion of a particular set of morals? Is it an attempt to cover up the downfalls of the fast food industry? Does featuring these kinds of relationships in adverts put pressure on people to respond by acting in the way that they are told they should? Is it purely a convenience to not cook, and just buy cheap fast food?
- Core issue is that it is appealing to children which puts parents under pressure. Childhood obesity and links to the amount of fast food and junk food advertising aimed at families and also at children.
- The fast food industry; likening to the tobacco industry in the way that it is unhealthy and aimed at families, children etc. Just how much damage is the industry doing to our health, our understanding and education about food, and the environment?
Peer Feedback
I didn't actually get a whole lot of peer feedback from the group session. However I'm aiming to get some feedback in a house crit soon which will hopefully raise some questions and help me to consider some things I might not have already.
Books that I have taken out of the library:
The Objects of Affection. Semiotics and Consumer Culture by Arthur Asa Berger
The Essence of Consumer Behaviour by Jim Blythe
The McDonaldization of Society by George Ritzer
Family Studies, An Introduction by Jon Bernardes
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