Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Junk Food Kids - Who's To Blame?

I watched a 2 part programme called Junk Food Kids Who'd To Blame and found it really infuriating. It was centred around a few different families with overweight, obese or unhealthy kids. One of the main points was that parents should accept responsibility for what foods they're giving to their children, and it was really shocking to see some of the statistics about tooth decay in toddlers, plus the amount of under 18s that are now having surgery like gastric bands.
The point that was hammered home was that aside from a few rare cases, most of the issues related to children's weight are completely preventable. Tooth decay especially - a totally preventable health issue.

The programme featured a 4 year old kid called Talulah who had to have 8 teeth removed due to the poor diet her mother had been feeding her. There's a really common mistake that crops up a lot of 'I thought fruit juice was good for them', but it goes to show that people aren't getting the right idea about a lot of foods out there. Especially sugary drinks.

I found a few articles following this that related to the programme as well as the issue of children having the surgery:

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