Saturday, 23 April 2016

Finalising Publication Idea

I got very little feedback from the last crit session which I found disappointing. It wasn't helpful, and the annoying thing was my sketchbook was there, screenshots of my blog, my publication ideas and proposal..
However, it gave me an opportunity to take a break and look at the project again with fresh eyes.

Considering there is a global obesity crisis, the issue is that something needs to be done about it. Change needs to come about through the introduction of strict and consistent regulations. Instead of just producing a publication as a commentary about the issue of junk food marketers targeting children, I've decided on idea of making a publication to promote health, favouring change. 

A childrens activity book based on my research into junk food marketing techniques and advergames which helps to promote healthy foods and educate children about fruits and vegetables in a fun, interactive way.

Target Audience:
Children aged 4 to 8

Exploring themes of:
Healthy eating
Marketing to children
Use of brand mascots / characters

Children's colour preferences
Brand awareness 
Parasocial relationships

Specific subjects:
Promotion of fruits and vegetables
Children's puzzles and games

Lino cut for hand made texture
Photoshop to manipulate colours and layout
Printed publication on cartridge paper for relatively cheap reproduction for children e.g. in classrooms etc

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