Following my tutorial, I separated my essay out and split the information between the 2 chapters.
I now have 3504 words for Chapter 2.
Obviously, I need to reduce this down which I will do when I cut out the mass of info about the Cathars, some of which can potentially go into Chapter 3 instead.
Chapter 3 plan
Considering the importance of Triangulation throughout the essay, I've chosen 3 examples for each of the 2 archetypes of the witch and will compare / contrast between them.
- Because of the female focus in the witch craze, how were the women perceived? 2 Stereotypes of the witches. What characteristics did they have and why? Hag being the pagan wise woman. Seductress being the epitome of female sexuality. 400 words
- 'Why are these stereotypes of the witch enduring images?'
- Jung's Archetypes and Campbells Theories of myth - 200 words
- The Hag - 200 words
- Example: Historical - Durer - 200 words
- Example: Contemp - Grimm - 200 words
- Example: Contemp - Drag Me To Hell - 200 words
- The Seductress - 200 words
- Example: Historical - Durer - 200 words
- Example: Contemp - Grimm - 200 words
- Example: Contemp - Game of Thrones - 200 words
- Mini Conclusion: - 200 words
- Why are these representations of women as witches enduring images? Why do their characters still exist in film, art, literature etc today? Have they changed? - The Teen Witch. As a symbol of female power. Empowering young women.
- Link back to Jung and Campbell
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