Friday, 4 November 2016

Peer Review & Self Evaluation

Thursday 3rd November Peer Review

The crit gave me some things to consider about my practical project. Suggestions made by peers were:

- Am I definitely doing a book? Could it be a series of prints?

- Think about scale. Could the prints be blown up and digitally printed?

- Combination of the two? Book with pull out posters?

- Think about context. Where could it exist? If it existed in a museum or gallery shop for example, who is the audience? Would they want a beautifully made book? Or a big poster?

- Am I considering an educational application?

- Could I have 'flashback' style information such as 'on this day [x-amount] of years ago, [xy&z] occurred'?

My response:

- I'm more interested in the historical side of it than any other.

- If the work is educational, it is in more of an adult non-fiction kind of way as opposed to being directed at school children

- I have books of medical illustrations and gruesome treatments etc. I think they're great to reflect on from time to time, and they're really beautifully made. I'm interested in doing this kind of product. Something that feels almost collectable, hand crafted. Time and care has been put into it.

- I really enjoyed the bookbinding workshop that I did this week, so I want to develop on this skill.

- I don't really always consider format all that well, and at the end of the day I don't always suppose that matters when I'm making a print because it can be in almost any format. However, I could work to make a book and then have prints from that. Like an exhibition of the original artwork before it is digitally recreated in the format of a book?

- I want to create the limitations of working to a particular format and considering specific contexts.

- I did quite like the idea of there being additional elements. So maybe if I did do an exhibition of the original artwork I could make promotional material or additional printed matter e.g. exhibition guides / leaflets etc.

Practical Response Feedback Form

The feedback that was written on the sheet was:

6A1: Knowledge & Understanding / Critical Awareness
- Excellent background research
- Very in depth
- Good analysis

6B1: Cognitive Skills / Problem Analysis
- Perhaps more visits
- Less research
- Analyse and start to collect it all

6C1: Practical & Professional Skills / Research
- Good consideration of final outcomes and practical skill development
- Keep testing and experimenting

1) The relationship between the dissertation theme / subject and the practical response
- Good relationship
- Not too similar and not too different
- But you can see where it originated from

2) The online documentation and evaluation of the project
- Very well documented
- Break it up more into topics to make it easier for you to collect into essay

3) The proposed outcomes to the project
- Well though out and considered
- More experimentation before final outcomes are made

4) Specific things expected in 3 weeks time
- Don't leave until last minute
- Consistent work
- Lots of test and final mock ups

I think theres a lack of suggestions from my peer feedback. I was hoping for a little more writing on the page but some of the points were still valid.

- I probably should have broken my research up more into topics to make it easier for me to collect. Maybe I could do this via the labels?

- I definitely do need more experimentation with my practical response and lots of tests


I did evaluate my practical project recently but didn't evaluate CoP overall

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